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Hip Fractures Care in Kenya

Regain your independence

hip fracture

hip fracture is a break in the upper quarter of the femur (thigh) bone. The extent of the break depends on the forces that are involved.

NSOC offers  comprehensive care for hip breaks and fractures in Kenya. Our orthopedic team is experienced in treating hip conditions and injuries and focuses on helping you return to the activities you love.

There are three different types of hip fractures. The type of fracture depends on what area of the upper femur is involved.

Osteonecrosis of the hip, hip fractures

Types of  Hip Fractures

hip fractures

There are three different types of hip fractures. The type of fracture depends on what area of the upper femur is involved.

  • Intertrochanteric Fracture: This fracture occurs between the neck of the femur and a lower bony prominence called the lesser trochanter. The lesser trochanter is an attachment point for one of the major muscles of the hip.

  • Subtrochanteric Fracture: This fracture occurs below the lesser trochanter. In more complicated cases, the amount of breakage of the bone can involve more than one of these zones.

  • Intracapsular Fracture: These fractures occur at the level of the neck and the head of the femur, and are generally within the capsule. The capsule is the soft-tissue envelope that contains the lubricating and nourishing fluid of the hip joint itself.

Causes of Hip Fractures

Hip fractures occur when forces on the thigh bone exceed its ability to remain intact.
They most commonly occur from a fall or from a direct blow to the side of the hip.

Some medical conditions such as osteoporosis, cancer, or stress injuries can weaken the bone and make the hip more susceptible to breaking.

In some elderly people, the skeleton can become so fragile that a hip can break during normal activity.


Symptoms of the Hip Fractures

  • Pain in the groin or outer upper thigh
  • Your hip may bruise, swell and stiffen
  • Discomfort while rotating the hip
  • Shortening of the injured leg
  • Your foot and knee of the injured leg may turn outward or inward
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Inflammatory arthritis of the hip, Hip joint care, Dislocated shoulder treatment in Kenya, Day surgery care in Kenya, Top orthopaedic surgeons in Kenya, orthopedic surgeon in Nairobi, Kenya, Nairobi spine and orthopaedic centre, Bone tumor treatment, Bone and joint infection clinic, knee joint treatment, Knee surgeon in Kenya, hip surgeon in Kenya, hip specialist, foot and ankle surgeon, Neck pain treatment, back pain treatment in Kenya , spinal cord injury in Kenya, neck specialist in Kenya, Neck, back and spine surgeon in Kenya, hand and wrsit specialist, sports medicine in Kenya, sports injury treatment, athritis treatment in Kenya, Fractures treatment, pediatric orthopedics in Nairobi, orthopaedic centre in Nairobi, orthopaedic centre in Kenya , Nerve blocks, Removal or repair of damaged cartilage, Osteaoarthritis of the hip, Complex regional pain syndrome,CRPS, Reflex sympathetic dystrophy treatment in Kenya, Osteaoarthritis of the hip, Perthes disease, hip fractures

Diagnosis of hip fractures

Imaging tests can help determine the location of a fracture, the number of bones affected, and whether an injury has damaged surrounding soft tissues, such as tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, or nerves.

The MRI scan will usually show a hidden fracture.

Expert Treatment of  Hip Fractures at NSOC in Kenya

hip fractures

Your treatment and prevention options depend on your health and risk factors. Surgery is the main treatment for treating a fractured hip. However, if you are too ill to have surgery, extended bed rest may help the heal the hip.

Although hip fractures often require surgery to ensure a full recovery and prevent further joint damage, our orthopedic specialists explore nonsurgical alternatives whenever possible.

Non – Surgical Treatment of Hip Fractures

If the bone fragments are in place after a fracture, your specialist may recommend non surgical techniques to speed up healing. First, your hip specialist can recommend some medication to relieve your pain.

  • Activity modification : After a hip or pelvic fracture, your doctor may advise you not to put any weight on the affected hip for six weeks or more to allow the bone to heal. Your doctor can provide crutches, a walker, a cane, or a wheelchair to help you get around.

  • Bone stimulation : It helps speed bone healing. Bone stimulation uses a low electric current or low-intensity pulsed sound waves.

  • Physical therapy : After the injured hip bone has begun to heal, a physical therapist can help preserve the range of motion and strength in the joints and muscles surrounding the injury with exercises.

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Compassionate Care

Surgical Treatment of Hip Fractures

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The type of surgery you need depends on the extent of the break. Hip replacement surgery may be used to treat a hip dislocation.

A fractured hip is almost always treated surgically.If a fracture severely affects the function of the hip, a surgeon may recommend replacing the injured joint with long-lasting prosthetic parts.

The surgeon may decide either to realign and stabilize the thigh bone with pins, screws, and plates.This compression hip screw will allow the fracture to become more stable by having the broken area impact on itself.

Rehabilitation after hip fracture and surgery is extensive. A physical therapist at NSOC in Kenya will work with you to regain strength, function, and flexibility in the hip.

Our orthopedic surgeons and rehabilitation specialists in Kenya can help you get back on your feet.

Nairobi spine and orthopaedic center  provides many treatment options for patients with broken or fractured hips in Kenya.

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