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Elbow Fractures

Outstanding care that you deserve

Elbow fractures results from a break or crack in one or more of the bones that make up the elbow joint.

Three bones, the humerus, radius and ulna, make up the elbow joint.

Most of the time, these injuries warrant immediate attention in an emergency room.

At NSOC, our orthopedic surgeons lead research to identify new and effective treatments for people with elbow fractures. Elbow fractures often occur because of falls on an outstretched arm, abnormal twist , sports injuries, or other accidents. Elbow fractures therefore require expert care in order to heal properly.

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Types of  Elbow Fractures

Elbow fractures

Radial head and neck fractures

The radial head is the part of the radius bone in the forearm that meets the humerus within the elbow joint. A radial head fracture may occur if you put your hand out to break a fall. The force of impact may travel through the radius and push the radial head into the bottom of the humerus.

Dislocating your elbow, can put stress on the radial head and lead to a fracture.

Symptoms include pain when you try to extend the elbow, swelling, and difficulty rotating your forearm. Also, turning your palm up or down may become painful.

Complex fractures often require surgery to repair and stabilize the fragments or to remove or replace the radial head.This happens incase where there are too many bony pieces.

Distal humerus fractures

The distal humerus is the rounded bottom part of the bone that connects the elbow to the shoulder.

Fractures of the distal humerus are relatively uncommon, but may occur due to a number of reasons. For example, they can occur as the result of a hard blow to the elbow, falling directly onto a bent elbow, or putting out your hand to break.

Symptoms include intense pain, tenderness, and swelling in and above the elbow. You may not be able to extend the elbow, or the joint may feel weak especially if you attempt to pick up an object on the affected arm.

These fractures are common in children and elderly people.

These fractures usually require surgical repair with plates and/or screw, unless they are stable.

Elbow fractures
Elbow fractures

Olecranon fractures

The olecranon is an extension of the ulna, one of the two bones in the forearm. When you bend your arm, it forms the point at the tip of the elbow. The olecranon is not covered by any muscles or ligaments. So, it’s especially vulnerable to fracture if the elbow makes direct contact with a hard surface.

The olecranon fractures occur as a result of a strong, sudden contraction of the triceps muscle during a fall. The muscle contraction is sometimes so strong that the force overwhelms the olecranon, resulting in a break in the bone.

Symptoms include sharp pain, an inability to extend the elbow, swelling, and tenderness. The broken bone may also cause a visible protrusion beneath the skin.

These fractures are usually displaced and require surgery. The bone fragments are re-aligned and held together with pins and wires or plates and screws.

How are elbow fractures diagnosed?

NSOC orthopedic surgeons in Kenya diagnose elbow fractures using a physical exam and imaging tests that reveal the location of a fracture and how many bones are affected.

These tests allow our doctors know whether an injury has caused damage to the surrounding soft tissue structures such as muscles, ligaments, or tendons.

Elbow specialists in Nairobi, Kenya at NSOC evaluate the affected elbow during a physical exam and confirm the diagnosis using imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans and MRI scans.


Treatment at NSOC

Many people with elbow fractures don’t need surgery. Orthopedic doctors at NSOC  recommend wearing an immobilization device, such as a sling, splint, or cast, for a few weeks or longer, depending on the location and severity of a fracture.

Medication can be used to help you remain comfortable while the fracture heals and ease your pain.

As you recover, physical therapy prevents the arm and shoulder muscles from becoming weak and helps preserve range of motion in the affected joint.

After the bone has healed and the sling is removed, physical therapy is recommended to further strengthen muscles in the arm, increase flexibility in muscles, and finally  to restore range of motion in the affected joint or joints.

Elbow fractures

Increase your range of motion

Surgical Treatment of Elbow Fractures

Elbow fractures

Fractures that are out of place or unstable are more likely to require surgery. A surgical procedure would replace the fragments or remove bone fragments.

Whenever a fracture is open , urgent surgery is needed to clean out the wound and bone to minimize the risk of infection.

Your surgeon decides on the most appropriate surgical procedure for  your elbow based on a number of reasons. For example, the  extent of the injury, what type of accident occurred, how much of the joint was affected, and whether any blood vessels, nerves, tendons, or ligaments were damaged.

Regardless of the specific surgical approach, the goals of surgery is to restore the broken bone to its original position.This is then followed by applying  a device to hold the bone fragments in place while they heal. Doctors call this two-step process reduction and fixation.

Reduction and fixation are crucial to ensuring that the bone heals.

Physicians may perform Open reduction and fixation for a fractured distal humerus, the upper arm bone, or olecranon, the bony tip of the elbow. Fractures of the radial head or scapula usually do not always require surgery. But if a fracture interferes with joint function or breaks the skin , surgery is recommended.

Elbow fractures

Recovery after Surgery

Improving Flexibility

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After surgery, a pain management specialist ensures that you have the medication you need to remain comfortable while the fracture heals.

Your surgeon sees you for a follow-up appointment about one week after surgery. This is  to make sure the bone is healing well. At that time, your doctor determines when you should begin physical therapy.

A physical therapist shows you how to do simple exercises to maintain range of motion.

Similarly, X-rays may be used to ensure that the bone fragments remain in place and confirm that the bone is healing actively.

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